Cyber 4-kamp

Cyber 4-kamp is an online event usually held in january. We compete in 4 disciplines. Each discipline has 8- 10 questions, some can easily be answered with a quick bing / google search, other must be solved by drawing stuff or making something. We have 2 classes of competition.

Some of the countries uses this competition to select the patrols that can compete in NP5K

Read more and see example disciplines on


Scout Patrols

  • A patrol is at least 3 and at most 8 scouts
  • All members of the patrol must be between 10 and 16 years of age
  • The patrol must not be of new constitution. Only old existing patrols may participate. This means that two patrols cannot be mixed or joined

Oldboys Patrols

  • No limits on number of participants.
  • A patrol must participate as oldboys if at least 1 member is above 16 years of age


  • The competition starts at 10:00 CET (11:00 in Finland)
  • The competition ends at 17:59 CET (18:59 in Finland)
  • Each discipline has a time limit of 60 minutes. If you submit answers later you get a time penalty. You have to keep track of the time yourself.
  • Both correct answers and time counts. Correct answers count before time usage
  • The time starts when a patrol are sendt the e-mail with the task
  • The time stops when you submit the e-mail with answers are received for the last time.
  • BEWARE: The 4 disciplines are timed individually, so the time starts for a discipline even if you are just looking at the questions.

Required Materials

In order to complete the 4-kamp the following materials should be available to each patrol.

  • A computer with an Internet connection.
  • Picture of the patrol taken on the day of competition. 
  • An email address for each patrol. This email should work during the 4-kamp. The
    entire competition will be communicated via email.
  • Digital camera / mobile phone. 
  • English dictionaries for all these stupid words you have forgotten.
  • Something to draw on / with.